Prof. Dr. Ikram Ullah Khanis a top dermatologist of Islamabad. He talked about some common skin problems and like dandruff, vitiligo, folliculitis and melasma. As discussed earlier, skin is the outermost organ which protects the underlying organs, muscles, ligaments and bones. Skin is the largest organ of our bodies and unlike our internal organs, is visible to everyone. Any skin disease, or any other changes to the skin are visible to the naked eye. That is why people are quite conscious about their skin complexion and those who do not have the best skin, do need the various ways and means for improvement. Along with the availability of the newer technology, people have become more interested in adopting the latest techniques which help improve their skin, which ultimately enhances their personality. We can say that looking good has become the number 1 priority in present days.
Normal Glowing Skin
Dandruff, Vitiligo, Folliculitis & Melasma are different skin problems which are are quite common and these do have a negative impact on overall personality, so there is a need to take care of all such problems. The best dermatologist of Islamabad talked about the ways which lead to a clean, shiny and glowing skin even if someone has got any of these diseases.
Seborrheic dermatitis is commonly known as Dandruff.
It is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of the
body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. Dandruff does not increase with hot bath, however stress plays an important role in aggravation of dandruff. More patients with stress are commonly seen these days who also have seborrheic dermatitis which is a proof that stress is a predisposing factor for dandruff. Gloomy winter days usually increase stress and depression, particularly in those areas where the sun hardly comes out. This increase in depression increases the dandruff in many people living in those areas anywhere in the world.
Another common skin problem seen is Folliculitis, which is the inflammation of hair follicles. People with dandruff can develop folliculitis as well however their pathogenesis is entirely different.
Folliculitis is due to bacteria known as Staph aureus which penetrates into hair follicles and produces the inflammation and infection. Treatment of folliculitis is the use of topical and/or oral antibiotics. However, laser treatment can also be very effective. If a patients who commonly gets folliculitis, gets rid of hair follicles through laser, will not develop the disease when there will be no follicles.
Laser treatment is usually tolerable by majority of patients, but quite a few patients may feel some degree of pain during the treatment. However there are different modalities available which reduce laser associated pain. One such thing is ‘chiller’, a product which lowers the temperature of the affected area of the skin up to -10◦C and then no pain is felt during the course of treatment. Other than chillers, topical anaesthetics are also commonly used which work very well in large number of patients.Vitiligo
Vitiligo is another disease of the skin in which the pigment cells of the skin, melanocytes, are destroyed in certain areas. It is an auto-immune condition symptom and signs of which include loss of skin color in the form of depigmented or white patches of skin in any location on the body. In such patients, thyroid function should also be monitored. This disease is detrimental as far as self-esteem is concerned, especially if it is on the face. It is more visible on dark complexion but less visible on fair complexion.
Medical treatment of vitiligo is done by using Ultra Violet A and Ultra Violet B lights, combined with Leucodermine tablets, and the success rate is almost 80%. Laser treatment of vitiligo is also effective however its expenditure is comparable to ultra violet treatment and the results are also same.
Melasma Yet another problematic skin condition is know as Melasma. It causes brown to gray-brown patches on the face and appears like a map on the face. Most people get it on their cheeks, bridge of their nose, forehead, chin and above the upper lip, however it can appear on other parts of the body as well. Melasma is commonly seen in women during pregnancy, and also associated with stress. It is more common in people with fair complexion, as compared to those who have dark complexion.
Like vitiligo, it is also detrimental to one’s self-esteem. Younger girls with melasma often do not get married, and there have been cases of divorce just because of melasma. Laser therapy provides dramatic results in such condition.
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