Skin is a reflection of your health. You should not neglect any abnormality in your skin. Else, it may lead to serious skin issues. Skin, the largest body organ, protects us from the sun, germs, and high temperatures. Overexposure to Ultraviolet rays results in various skin cancers. To protect your skin from non-melanoma skin cancer, it’s crucial to consult an Expert dermatologist on time. Prof. Dr. Ikram Ullah Khan is the trusted choice of patients in the field of dermatology, who offers cutting-edge treatment to deal with non-melanoma and non-melanomatous skin cancers.

What is Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer:
Non-melanoma skin cancer, including its various forms, is more common than other types of cancers, and it primarily affects the outer layer (epidermis) of the skin. Non-melanoma skin cancer covers 30% of all cancer cases. Such sort of cancer develops in areas that are much more exposed to the sun such as the chest, ears, face, arms, scalp, etc. To treat non-melanoma skin cancer, the opinion of expert dermatologists matters, and Prof Ikram Ullah Khan’s skin clinic in Islamabad is one of the best options to get the desired outcomes.
There are many types of non-melanoma skin cancer but basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) are two main types of this cancer. Non-melanoma skin cancer develops from various types of cells in the skin.

Such carcinoma also called rodent cancer, is a common form of skin cancer. BCC makes up almost 75% of all skin cancers. It appears as pinky, red scaly, or white bumps over the skin. BCC does not transfer to other parts of the skin. It is actually a slow-growing cancer. Proper treatment and early detection can protect people from further complications.
SCC is a more aggressive and less common type of non-melanoma skin cancer. It appears as a red sore over the skin which if left untreated spreads to the other parts of the skin as well. It accounts for 20% of all skin cancers.
Some rare types of non-melanoma cancer are Merker cell carcinoma and cutaneous adnexal tumors.

Detection of non-melanoma and non-melanomatous skin cancer at an early stage significantly enhances the outlook of possible treatment. Prof Ikram Ullah Khan and his team emphasize early-stage detection. It is the best possible way to treat skin cancer. He and his team tailor the treatment according to the needs of every person. Non-melanoma skin cancer at an early stage comprises the following signs:
- Appearance of tiny, bumps and lumps over the skin that are painless.
- Existing mole Size, shape, and color alteration.
- Bleeding from the red, scaly patches.
- Persistent sores that do not recover from a few weeks.
- Elevated and clear growth with rolled edges.
- Oozing from the sores.
Don’t leave such signs unnoticed and consult a professional dermatologist.
Stage 1 non-melanoma skin cancer is a premature stage of non-melanoma skin cancer and the size of the tumor is 2cm or smaller than this at this stage. At stage 1 non-melanoma skin cancer, cancer only remains at the top of the skin and does not invade the deep tissues, nor does it do any harm to lymph nodes and other organs. That’s why getting treatment in such a phase is highly effective, and the chances of complete recovery are maximum, confirms Prof. Ikram Ullah.

Depending on the level of advancement and type, there are various methods to sort out Non-Melanoma and Non-Melanomatous Skin Cancer. Prof. Ikram Ullah Khan is the best dermatologist whose year of experience provides patients with the best treatment to get rid of such cancers effectively. Various treatments are as follows:
Surgery is the best approach to managing skin cancers.
The surgeon removes the tumors that are of small size and those that are available in visible areas. Prof. Ikram Ullah has expertise in performing such surgeries very well.
Special surgery in which tumor cells and 1 to 2mm skin around the tumor are removed by the surgeon. This is done one at a time, ensuring that healthy cells remain intact while cancer cells are removed completely.
The following methods help destroy the skin tumor cells.
Cancer cells are removed precisely and with little discomfort by using liquid nitrogen.
This laser method is used to kill cancer cells. Immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy would also be given to kill tumors.
Advanced topical method applied on non-melanoma cancer cells to kill tumors.
Prof Ikram Ullah Khan is considered the beacon of excellence in the realm of dermatology. What distinguishes him is his dedication to introducing a variety of cutting-edge technology in Islamabad for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer. His patients can truly trust his abilities and embark on their journey of skin improvement.